The nearest مسافة مادية وملموسة The closest مسافة أيضاً ولكن لها بعد معنوي أكثر.
يعني مثلاً لو بقول المكان الفلاني قريب مني هيستخدم The nearest.
لكن لو بقول مثلا الشخص الفلاني قريب مني بمعنى علاقتنا جيدة وقريببن من بعد هستخدم The closest
Yea It’s clear Thanks for your help But, can you tell me also the difference between Those ?
The biggest ==The largest
The highest ==The tallest
Actually Im still confused about them IDK how can I used them
شكرا على التوضيح وماذا عن
The largest -The biggest
The heights-The tallest
It makes sense but Actually I still confused BTW Appreciate your efforts And I don’t want to google it I want someone who truly understands the deep meaning Thanks Again
You are welcome.
Excuse me, I haven’t studied them yet
Which level are you at now ?